
蜂蜜跟蔥 絕對不能一起吃 真的有毒 (下)


再吃了2碗綠豆湯, 又過了將近一小時,
鼻塞症狀慢慢解除, 但還是流鼻水,
眼睛也慢慢消腫了, 血絲也變少了.

又吃了2碗綠豆湯, 再過了半小時,
沒鼻塞了, 有點鼻水,


還好這次是在家裡, 還方便買跟煮綠豆.
如果是在外旅遊, 可就沒這麼好處理了.
真的要小心, 蜂蜜跟蔥不能一起吃啊!!

蜂蜜跟蔥 絕對不能一起吃 真的有毒 (上)

下午一時興起自己煎了蔥餅來吃, 放了很多自己切的宜蘭蔥末跟麵粉拌一拌, 用不沾鍋煎來吃....

蔥+蜂蜜, 好像有毒,
趕快上網查了一下, 有人說有毒會死人, 有人說不會怎樣,
以防萬一, 我就停止喝蜂蜜了...

鼻子突然鼻塞(真的是很突然,我並沒有感冒喔), 而且一直不自覺地流出鼻水來,
眼睛也慢慢佈滿血絲到整個眼白都變紅色的, 然後下眼皮開始腫起來,

我拼命喝水, 但症狀依舊.
再上網查一下, 要綠豆才能解毒,
天!! 這種13度的天氣鐵定沒人在賣綠豆湯的, 去超市買綠豆回來自己煮吧!


lie and lay

lie: (人, 動物)躺, 臥; (東西)被平放
lay lain lying
to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface
ex: A pen lay on the desk.

lie: 說謊
lied lied lying
to say or write something which is not true in order to deceive someone
ex: Are you lying to me?

lay: 放置
laid laid laying 
to put something in especially a flat or horizontal position, usually carefully or for a particular purpose
ex: He laid the tray down on the table.

tap & a vein of

tap: 利用
to use

a vein of: 特質; 特徵
a particular quality or characteristic

ex: In its bid to be elected, the party is attempting to tap(=use) an underlying vein of nationalism in the country.

a cattle call

a cattle call:
an open audition for actors. In a cattle call, the casting director may not have a solid idea what they are looking for rather than are looking for actors who meet certain physical requirements, which makes a cattle call extremely helpful.

ex: The guy I wanna meet won't respond to a cattle call. (from the comedy--Ally McBeal)

Virtual Host

If you wanna set up a virtual company on the Internet, you need to find out whether the DNS name and other related information is available. Go to check out the following sites:
  1. Who.is: Universal Whois Lookup
  2. Who is Hosting This
  3. myIPneighbors
  4. 世界網路
  5. http://ezhost.cc/
  6. Alexa the Web Information Company
  7. Netcraft 虛擬主機排行榜
  8. WebHostingTalk
  9. PCZONE 虛擬主機討論版
  10. 台灣FTP聯盟 虛擬主機討論版


SD Card

What is SD card? SD stands for Secure Digital.

There are three kinds of SD cards in the market now:

1. SD: The speed 1x equals 150KB/s, and it can range from 1x to 133x. The capacity is limited to 2GB.

2. SDHC (SD HIgh Capacity): SD 2.0. The speed can be divided to Class 2(2MB/s), 4(4MB/s), 6(6MB/s) and 10(10MB/s). The capacity is ranging from 4GB to 32GB.

3. SDXC (SD eXtended Capacity): SD 3.0 and supports UHS(Ultra High Speed). The speed can range from 25MB/s to 300MB/s. The capacity is from 32GB to 2TB.

For more details, you may go to the following pages on Toshiba website:


go / jump through hoops

go / jump through hoops: 經歷磨難
to do a lot of difficult things before you are allowed to have or do something you want.

ex: You must jump through some hoops to get the jobs done.

plead ignorance

plead ignorance (formal): 對...申辯不知道
to say that you do not know about something.

1. Don't try to plead ignorance as an excuse.
2. He pleaded ignorance when they found this package in his suitcase.

require / request

require or request?

To say that someone has politely or officially asked for something, don't use "require", use "request".

hosp / host

hosp / host comes from the Latin word hospes and its stem hospit meaning both "host" and "guest".

Many words based on it came to English through French, which often dropped the -pi-, leaving host-. Hospitality is what a good host or hostess offers to a guest.

(quoted from Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder)

pac / peas

pac /peas is related to the Latin words for "agree" and "peace".

The Pacific Ocean, the "Peaceful Ocean", was named by Magellan because it seemed so calm after the storms near Cape Horn.

(quoted from Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder)


"bell" comes from the Latin word meaning "war".

Bellona was the little-known Roman goddess of war; her husband, Mars, was the god of war.

(quoted from Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder)