
五蘊 Panca-khandha

  1. 陳義孝-佛學常見詞彙 : 蘊是積聚之意, 五蘊就是色蘊; 受蘊; 想蘊; 行蘊; 識蘊. 色蘊屬於物質, 受想行識蘊屬於精神, 五蘊是構成人身的五種要素. 
  2. 林勝儀-新編佛學大辭典 : 梵語 skandha, 又譯為五陰; 五眾. 陰者積集之意, 眾者眾多和聚之義, 亦蘊之義也. 是顯(明)(量)多積集之"有為法"自性, 作有為法之用, 無純一之法, 或同類, 或異類, 必多數之小分相集而作其用故, 則概謂之陰或蘊. 以一有情徵之, 則色蘊之一即身, 他四蘊即心也.  心之中, 受想行之三者心性上各為一種特別之作用, 故名之為心所有法, 即心所. 識之一者為心之自性, 故名之為心王. 蓋五蘊為身心之二法, 如色界欲界有身之有情, 從五蘊而成, 如無色界無身之有情, 自四蘊(除去色蘊)而成也. 
  3. 佛光大辭典 : 梵語 panca-skandha, 巴利語 panca khandha, 又作五陰, 五眾, 五聚. 三科之一. 蘊, 音譯作塞健陀, 乃積聚, 類別之意, 即類聚一切有為法之五種類別. 五蘊係總一切有為法之大別, 不包括無為法. 五蘊通有漏;無漏及善;不善;無記等三性. 
  4. 林忠億-佛學名詞中英巴梵彙集 : Five aggregates: The 5 groups are called the 5 aspects in which the Buddha has summed up all the physical and mental phenomena of existence, and which appears to ignorant man as his Ego, or personality. This so-called individual existence is in reality nothing but a mere process of those mental physical phenomena, a process that since time immemorial has been going on, and that also after the so-called death will still continue for unthinkably long periods of time. These 5 groups, however, do neither singly nor collectively constitute any self-dependent real Ego-entity(ATTA), nor is there to be found any such entity apart from them. Hence the belief in such in the ultimate sense real Ego-entity, or Personality, proves a mere illusion. "When all constituent parts are there, The designation 'cart' is used; Just so, where the five groups exist, Of 'living being' do we speak." 
  5. 任繼愈-佛教大辭典 : 諸有為法和合聚義是蘊義, 是對一切"有為法"作的分類, 亦是佛教作為認識對象.