- abadhato : 疾
- abhaya : 無畏; fearless; dauntless; secure.
- abhi : 殊勝的; 卓越的.
- abhidhamma : 論; the third division of the Tipitaka.
- abhinna : 六通; the six supernatural or universal powers acquired by the Buddha, also by an arahant.
- abrahmacariya : 不淫欲; not to commit adultery.
- acinteyya : 不(可)思議; beyond thought and words; beyond concept, baffling description, amazing.
- adhitthana : 1.(by 林忠億)願; 決定; determination. 2.(by William Soothill)持; to depend upon; a base; rule.
- adinnadana : 不偷盜; not to steal.
- Agama : 阿含; general name for the Theravada scriptures, sutta pitaka.
- aghato : 惡
- ahimsa : 無害; harmlessness; not hurting; not doing harm to anyone.
- acariya : 導師; 阿舍梨; spiritual teacher; master; preceptor.
- Ajatasattu : 阿闍世; "enemy before birth"; a prince of Magadha, who killed his father, King Bimbisara, and ascended the throne.
- ajiva : (by 林忠億)命; livelihood.
- alamkaraka : 莊嚴; stately; imposing; dignified; glory; ornate.
- alaya-vinnana : 阿賴耶識; is the basis from which all seeds of consciousness are stored.
- Amitabha : 阿彌陀; the founder of Sukhavati(西方極樂世界).
- Anagami : 三果; Never Returner; the third of the four stages on the Path.
- anamatagga : 無始; without beginning.
- Ananda : 阿難; "joy/pleasure"; son of Dronodana-raja, and younger brother of Devadatta; he was noted as the most learned disciple of Buddha; after Buddha's death he is said to have compiled the sutras in the Vaibhara cave.
- anapanasati : 安般數息; contemplation on in-and-out breathing.
- Anathapindika : 給孤獨長者; a very wealthy upasaka of Savatthi(舍衛城); famous for his gift of Jetavana(祇園精舎) to the Buddha.
- anatta : 無我; non-ego; one of the Three Signs of Beings with anicca(無常) and dukkha(苦).
- andaja : 卵生; oviparous, as with birds(eggs); birth from an egg.
- Angulimala : 央啒利摩羅; a fanatic, who assassinated 999 persons and word 999 finger-bones as a chaplet. He was about to kill his mother to make up to 1000 when he was intervened and converted by the Buddha.
- Anguttara : 增一部經; numerical discourse. fourth of the five Nikayas, sutta pitaka.
- anicca : 無常; impermanence.
- anivattaniya : 阿鞞跋致; 不退轉; never return/retreat.
- antara-kappa : 小劫; small aeon; small kappa; 16,800,000 human years.
- anuttara-samma-sambodhi : 三藐三菩提; unexcelled complete enlightment.
- apavada : 毀謗; defame; slander.
- apaya : 四惡道; the four evil worlds, such as Asuras; the animal world; the hungry-ghost; hell.
- arahant : 四果阿羅漢; the worthy One.
- arama : 寺院; temple; monastery.
- arammana: 所緣; 心的對象或目標.
- ariya : 聖; 高貴; noble; honourable.
- ariya atthangika magga : 八正道; the Noble Eightfold Path.
- arupaloka : 無色界; the heavens without forms, only mind in contemplation.
- arupa-raga : 貪無色界; craving for birth in formless heavens.
- asamkheyya : 阿僧祇; 無數; countless; numberless.
- asana : 座位; a seat.
- asava : (by 林忠億)漏; defilement; mental intoxication.
- Asoka : 阿育王; the King of Maurya Empire reigned from 274BC to 237BC.
- asura : 阿修羅; originally it means spirit or even gods, especially Indra(Sanskrit).
- Asvaghos(h)a : 馬鳴; a famous Buddhist writer and poet of the first century AD.
- attha loka dhamma : 八風; eight vicissitudes.
- atthanga sila : 八戒; the eight precepts.
- attha vinnana : 八識; eight kinds of perception or consciousness.
- avici : 無間地獄; deepest and worst hell.
- avijja : 無明; lack of enlightenment; ignorance; the fundamental root of evil; the ultimate cause of desire which creates the dukkha of existence.
- amalaka : 阿摩羅; spotless; unstained; pure.
- amba : 芒果; mango.
- aranna : 阿蘭若; 林野; forest; wilderness; away from cities/villages.
- antaravasaka : 1.(by TTBC)下衣;下著. 2.(by 林忠億)內衣; one of the three regulation garments of a monk, the inner garment.
- apadana : 傳記; 譬喻.
- Avanti : 阿般提(印度古國)
- Anga : 鴦伽(印度古國).
- Anuruddha : 阿那律(天眼第一).
- Assaji : 阿說示(五比丘之一,舍利弗的老師)
- bhāva : denotes the continuity of life and death, including reincarnation, and the maturation arising therefrom.
- cetanā : volition; directionality; attraction; is a mental activity that propels the mind forward and has the function of making the mind settle on what is positive, negative, or indeterminate.
- cetasika : 心所; mental factors; mental states; mental events.
- go forth: 出家
- Jarāmaraṇa : 老死; old age and death.
- jara : old age.
- kamma: 工作/業.
- kammatthana: 業處; 方法; 心工作的地方.
- kaya: 身; 聚合之意;
- thana: 地方;場所.
- marana : death.
- mandala: 曼陀羅; 圓形.
- Jāti : 生; birth; the arising of a new living entity in samsara.
- Jalābuja : 胎生; birth from a womb.
- Saṃsedaja : 濕生; birth from moisture.
- Opapatika : 化生; birth by transformation.
- ordination: 受戒 (指剃度儀式)
- parikammanitta: 遍作相.
- monk: 出家人
- nidana : 起因; cause; foundation; source; origin.
- kamma : 業 (梵文: karma); action; doing.
- Vipāka 業果; 業報; kammaphala/kammavipaka; the result of kamma; intentional actions.
- kutis 寮房
- rogato 病
- gandato 瘡
- sallato 箭
- saṃsāra 生死, 輪迴, 流轉; 相續; continuous movement/continuous flowing;
- phala 果; a fruit;result.
- paticcasamuppāda 緣起(梵文:प्रतीत्यसमुत्पाद pratītyasamutpāda); dependent origination.
- parato 敵
- palokato 毀
- sunnato 空
- sparsa 觸; contact; touching; sense impression.
- Vedanā 受; feeling; sensation.
- Saṃjñā 識; perception; cognition.
- Ekaggatā 一境性; one-pointedness; concentration.
- Jīvitindriya life faculty; vitality.
- Manasikara also manasikāra; attention; ego-centric demanding.
- vitakka conception; application of thought. the mental factor that mounts or directs the mind towards an object.
- Vicara discernment; sustained thinking; the sustained application of the mind on an object.
- adhimokkha interest; intensified interest; decision; holding onto a certain form object.
- viriya 精進; energy; diligence; enthusiasm; effort.
- Pīti 喜; joy or rapture and is distinguished from the longer-lasting meditative pleasure or happiness that arises along with pīti.
- Chanda 意欲(中性字,非情慾的慾); intention; interest; desire to act.