

1. 心識定律(cittaniyama) : 如眼識心->領受心->推度心->確定心->速行心->有分心.
2. 時節定律(utuniyama) : 如這類植物在這個季節會開這種花, 而且在任何地方都開這種花.
3. 種子定律(bijaniyama) :  如甲種子一定會產生甲果實, 乙種子一定會開出乙種花.
4. 業力定律(kammaniyama) :  業力以它的方式, 支援果報的成熟.
5. 法的定律(dhammaniyama) : 如菩薩結生的時候, 大地一定會震動.

發趣論 二十四緣 (24 Conditions)

1. 因緣 : the relation by way of root, 六因(三善根和三不善根)->心->心所.
2. 所緣緣 : the relation of object, 六外境(色生香味觸法)來支持當時的心.
3. 增上緣 : the relation of dominance, 同一時間只會有一個增上緣出現時可以統領一切. 有四種增上緣 : 意欲增上緣; 精進增上緣; 心增上緣; 觀增上緣.
4. 無間緣 : the relation of contiguity, 前五識以及它相應生起的心所法, 都以無間緣的力量支助著意識界以及意識界相應生起的心所法. 如必須要有眼淨色; 色境; 光線跟作意等四條件具足才能產生眼識心, 形成看見的事實.
5. 等無間緣 : the relation of immediate contiguity, 心的連續性之所以能夠如此綿密就是有了等無間緣的力量, 讓心與心之間完全沒有任何間隔.
6. 俱生緣 : the relation of coexistence, 如燃油燈, 燈與光亮, 同時顯現.
7. 相互緣 : the relation of reciprocity, 如三角架底下的三隻腳缺一不可.
8. 依止緣 : the relation of dependence, 如地土壤, 供樹依止, 亦如畫布, 令諸色彩, 圖像依存.
9. 親依止緣 : the relation of sufficing condition,
10. 前生緣 : the relation of pre-existence,
11. 後生緣 : the relation of post-existence,
12. 數數習行緣 : the relation of habitual recurrence,
13. 業緣 : the relationship of kamma,
14. 果報緣 : the relation of effect,
15. 食緣 : the relation of food,
16. 根緣 : the relation of control,
17. 禪那緣 : the relation of jhana,
18. 道緣 : the relation of path,
19. 相應緣 : the relation of association,
20. 不相應緣 : the relation of dissociation,
21. 有緣 : the relation of presence,
22. 無有緣 : the relation of abeyance,
23. 離去緣 : the relation of absence,
24. 不離去緣 : the relation of continuance,




葛拉瑪經 Kalama Sutta

  1. 不可因為口口相傳就信以為真。
  2. 不可因為奉行傳統就信以為真。
  3. 不可因為流傳廣遠就信以為真。
  4. 不可因為引經據典就信以為真。
  5. 不可因為合乎自己觀點就信以為真。
  6. 不可因為根據哲理就信以為真。
  7. 不可因為引證常識就信以為真。
  8. 不可因為符合先入為主的觀念就信以為真。
  9. 不可因為說者的威信就信以為真。
  10. 不可因為他是導師就信以為真。



禪那速行心 : 心將從欲界跳至色界, 在第一個轉折點的心, 即為禪那心.

欲界速行心最多生起 7次即落入有分, 專注禪相的心並不會有彼所緣的生起.

  1. 意門轉向心 : 之前的意門心路滅去後落入有分, 在無數的有分過去了又生起一意門轉向(把心流從有分拉出來而投向於似相.)之後滅去, 
  2. 遍作心 : 又生起一個遍作(此時心流已準備證得禪那), 
  3. 近行心 : 接著生起一個近行(從究竟義來說, 此心識剎那才是近行定), 當近行滅去之後, 
  4. 隨順心 : 生起一隨順(隨順之前的欲界心路和隨順之後的廣大心[即禪那心]), 
  5. 種姓心 : 之後生起一種姓心(改變了之前的欲界種姓而成為色界種姓, 亦即證得色界禪那), 
  6. 禪心 : 之後生起一禪心(若是初禪則為初禪心), 
  7. 有分 : 之後便又落入有分去了.
由於是第一次證得禪那剎那心, 不知如何保護延長, 所以會很快又落入有分. 


  1. 入定自在 : 決意入定即入定.
  2. 住定自在
  3. 出定自在
  4. 轉向自在
  5. 省察自在


  1. 令事物清淨(vatthuvisada-kiriya) : 內外皆清淨.
  2. 使五根平衡(indriyasamatta-patipadana) : 信;精進;正念;定;慧等五根力量平均.
  3. 於相善巧(nimitta-kosalla) : 成就善巧; 修習善巧; 守護善巧.
  4. 當策勵心時即策勵心(yasmim samaye cittam paggahetabbam, tasmim samaye cittam pagganhati) : 心昏沉時修習擇法;精進和喜覺支.
  5. 當抑制心時即抑制心(yasmim samaye cittam niggahetabbam, tasmim samaye cittam nigganhati) : 心掉舉時修習輕安;定和捨覺支.
  6. 當鼓勵心時即鼓勵心(yasmim samaye cittam sampahamsitabbam, tasmim samaye cittam sampahamseti) : 使心觀八苦而生畏懼後, 以佛法僧等三隨念使心喜悅.
  7. 當以捨心觀察時即以捨心觀察(yasmim samaye cittam ajjhupekkhitabbam, tasmim samaye cittam ajjhupekkhati) : 不昏沉不掉舉不無樂趣, 對所緣, 心均等.
  8. 遠離無等持的人 : 遠離忙於俗事心散亂之人.
  9. 親近等持的人 : 親進邁向出離之道有定之人.
  10. 傾心於等持 : 傾心於定, 尊重定, 趨於定, 向於定.


  1. 住所 : 住於此能使禪相生起且堅固, 念能現前, 心能入定.
  2. 行境 : 行乞的地方不太遠, 且易於獲得足夠的食物.
  3. 談話 : 談話內容為十論事, 即 a.少欲. b.知足. c.遠離煩惱. d.無著(即獨處). e.精勤. f.戒. g.定. h.慧. i.解脫. j.解脫知見. 
  4. 人 : 親近談十論事且具有戒德者.
  5. 食物 : 食物受用後以安適為主, 能使未入定之心入定, 以入定之心堅固. 
  6. 節氣 : 於己安適的時節, 能使未入定之心入定, 以入定之心堅固. 
  7. 威儀 : 從行臥立作等挑選適合自己的行為, 以能入定且令入定之心堅固者為適合.

32種無用的談論 Tiracchana-katha

  1. Raja-katha (王論)
  2. Cora-katha (賊論)
  3. Mahamatta-katha (大臣論)
  4. Sena-katha (軍論)
  5. Bhaya-katha (怖畏論)
  6. Yuddha-katha (戰論)
  7. Anna-katha (食物論)
  8. Pana-katha (飲物論)
  9. Vattha-katha (衣服論)
  10. Sayana-katha (床室論)
  11. Mala-katha (花蔓論)
  12. Gandha-katha (香論)
  13. Nati-katha (親戚論)
  14. Yana-katha (乘物論) : 座車船隻大小美觀等論.
  15. Gama-katha (鄉村論)
  16. Nigama-katha (市集論)
  17. Nagara-katha (城市論)
  18. Janapada-katha (地方論)
  19. Itthi-katha (女論)
  20. Purisa-katha (男論)
  21. Sura-katha (英雄論)
  22. Visikha-katha (道旁論)
  23. Kumbatthana-katha (井邊論) : 在取井水時眾人的言談.
  24. Pubba-peta-katha (先亡論)
  25. Nanatta-katha (種種論)
  26. Lokakkhayika (世俗學說)
  27. Samuddakkhayika (海揚起源論)
  28. Itibhavabhava-katha (有無論)
  29. Aranna-katha (森林論)
  30. Pabbata-katha (山岳論)
  31. Nadi-katha (河川論)
  32. Dipa-katha (島洲論)

適合與不適合修習定 (Samadhi) 的地方

適合修習定(Samadhi) 的 5 個地方:
  1. 住所離行乞的地方不過遠又不過近, 有路可往返者.
  2. 日間不憒鬧, 夜間又安靜.
  3. 無蚊蠅; 風; 熱及蛇等物.
  4. 住該處易於獲得衣服; 飲食; 臥具及醫藥.
  5. 在該處有多聞; 通達三藏; 持法持律跟持論母的長老比丘居住, 對諸法中的疑惑處可以除疑者. (此為最重要)

不適合修習定(Samadhi) 的18 個地方:
  1. 大的道場 : 若有意見相左, 不盡義務者.
  2. 新的道場 : 若有許多建築事宜者.
  3. 破舊的道場 : 若有許多修繕之事.
  4. 路旁的道場 : 若來往掛單同修太過頻繁. 
  5. 井泉旁 : 為取井水, 多人聚集詢問閒談之處.
  6. 菜園茶園旁 : 為種菜茶取菜茶, 多人聚集高聲擴談歌唱之處.
  7. 花園旁 : 為種花取花, 多人聚集高聲閒談之處.
  8. 果樹旁 : 為取水果, 或許會與人發生爭執之處. 
  9. 名山聖境 : 吸引一批又一批的人群前來觀光之處.
  10. 靠近都會區.
  11. 靠近林區 : 若是建築用木材或薪材之林區, 則工作聲音吵雜且與之易生不快. 
  12. 靠近農田地 : 若農民打穀曬穀會造成干擾. 
  13. 有不和合者居住的道場 : 易有衝突.
  14. 港口等交通樞紐的地方 : 易有干擾之事.
  15. 靠近邊疆的地方 : 無佛法之處.
  16. 靠近兩國國界處 : 易有戰事, 或多干擾.
  17. 多異性出入或非人棲止處.
  18. 無善友處. (此為最大的缺失)



  1. 敏知者(ugghatitabbu)又作略開知者,這種人只須聽聞佛法的簡短開示,即能證悟道果
  2. 廣演知者(vipabcitabbu)這種人在聽聞了佛法的詳盡解說之後,即能證悟道果
  3. 所引導者(neyya)這種人僅靠聽聞佛法尚無法證悟道果,他們還必須假以數日、數月或數年的時間精進修行佛法,才能證悟道果
  4. 文字爲最者(padaparama)這種人即使值遇佛法,再盡其最大努力研習與修持佛法,亦都無法於今生中證悟道果。(增支部.4.133, 人施設論.160

南傳佛教的菩薩道 十波羅蜜

  1. 佈施波羅蜜是以大悲心與方法善巧智為基礎,願意捨棄所擁有的身外物,甚至自己的肢體或生命來幫助他人的善思。
  2. 持戒波羅蜜是以大悲心與方法善巧智為基礎的身善行和語善行。
  3. 出離波羅蜜是在明瞭欲樂與生命界的不圓滿之後所生起的捨棄欲界之心。
  4. 智慧波羅蜜是毫無錯誤地透視諸法之共相與特相的心所。
  5. 精進波羅蜜是為眾生之福利而付出的身與心的努力。
  6. 忍耐波羅蜜是忍受他人對己所犯之錯的忍耐力。
  7. 真實波羅蜜是只說誠實不欺的真實語言。
  8. 決意波羅蜜是對利益眾生之善行毫不動搖的決心。
  9. 波羅蜜是為眾生之福利與快樂所做的祝願與奉獻。
  10. 波羅蜜是對所有好與惡之法捨棄愛與恨,採取平等和無分別的態度。

  1. 至上願願成就無上正等正覺。
  2. 大悲心與方法善巧智跟至上願相同,大悲心與方法善巧智也是十波羅蜜的根本條件。通過此二法,菩薩得以持續不斷地為眾生謀求福利和快樂,完全沒有顧慮到自身的利益,也不會對極為艱難且非常人所能行的菩薩道感到害怕。
  3. 四佛地有如至上願、大悲心與方法善巧智,四佛地也是波羅蜜的根本條件精進這是修習波羅蜜、捨離與善行的精進力。上智即方法善巧智。決意 : 是對修菩薩道不可動搖的決心。利益即培養慈悲心。因為此四個因素有利於成就正等正覺,故名為四佛地
  4. 十六種內心氣質內心氣質即是傾向或性格,它影響人之個性的形成。內心氣質可分為兩種,即善與惡。善的內心氣質有十六種,即:傾向於出離、隱居、無貪、無、無癡、解脫及十種波羅蜜。
  5. 省察智省察不修佈施等十波羅蜜的壞處與修佈施等十種波羅蜜的好處。
  6. 十五種行持戒、以正念攝受六根門、於食知足、晝夜精進、信、念、慚、愧、勤學、精進、慧、初禪、第二禪、第三禪、第四禪。
  7. 五種神通神變通(如意通)、天耳通、他心通、天眼通及宿住隨念通(宿命通)

  1. 慧者菩薩又稱為敏知者菩薩,他們慧強信弱。慧者菩薩圓滿波羅蜜的時間需要四阿僧祗劫與十萬大劫。
  2. 信者菩薩又稱為廣演知者菩薩,他們慧中信強。信者菩薩需要八阿僧祗劫與十萬大劫。
  3. 精進者菩薩又稱為所引導者菩薩,他們信慧皆弱。精進者菩薩需要十六阿僧祗劫與十萬大劫。

ps. 參考資料: 南傳菩薩道-The Great Chronicle of Buddhas


南傳佛教227條比庫戒律 - Adhikarana-Samatha (平息諍訟)

Adhikarana-Samatha 共 7 條: 每當諸諍訟事一再發生時, 為了消滅; 止息.
  1. 應給與當面或現前調伏.
  2. 應給與憶念調伏.
  3. 應給與不癡調伏.
  4. 自白或應作自認.
  5. 依多數.
  6. (調查)他的罪惡.
  7. 以草覆蓋.(不追究之意).

ps. 比庫為南傳佛教出家男眾受了227條戒律後的稱呼.

1. Bhikkhupatimokkha 瑪欣德尊者譯, 下載網址如下:
2. http://www.dhammarain.org.tw/canon/Vinayapitaka-Abstract-Ven-Santagavesaka.pdf
3. http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/vin/sv/bhikkhu-pati.html#as
4. http://www.dhammarain.org.tw/canon/pc-Bhikkhupatimokkha.pdf

南傳佛教227條比庫戒律 - Sekhiya (眾學)

Sekhiya 共 75條:

ps. 比庫為南傳佛教出家男眾受了227條戒律後的稱呼.

南傳佛教227條比庫戒律 - Patidesaniya (應悔過)

Patidesaniya 共 4 條:
  1. 若比庫親手從以入俗家中的非親戚比庫尼手中接受嚼食而咀嚼或食用者, 那位比庫應當懺悔: "賢友, 我犯了應受呵責之法, 不適當, 應悔過, 我為此懺悔. "
  2. 若比庫們受邀請在諸俗家進食, 假如那裡有比庫尼站著指示: "這裡給羹, 這裡給飯." 那些比庫應當斥責比庫尼: "賢妹, 在比庫們用餐時請走開!" 假如甚至沒有一位比庫回應而斥責該比庫尼: "賢妹, 在比庫們用餐時請走開!" 那些比庫應當懺悔: "賢友, 我門犯了應受呵責之法, 不適當, 應悔過, 我們為此懺悔."
  3. 凡是有僧團通過甘馬認可為[有學家庭], 若比庫無病且先前未受邀請, 在如此諸[有學家庭]中親手接受嚼食而咀嚼或食用者, 那位比庫應當懺悔: "賢友, 我犯了應受呵責之法, 不適當, 應悔過, 我為此懺悔."
  4. 凡是於公認有危險; 有恐怖的諸林野坐臥處, 若比庫無病而住在如此的坐臥處, 事先未告之而在僧團中接受嚼食而咀嚼或食用者, 那位比庫應當懺悔: "賢友, 我犯了應受呵責之法, 不適當, 應悔過, 我為此懺悔."
ps. 比庫為南傳佛教出家男眾受了227條戒律後的稱呼.

南傳佛教227條比庫戒律 - Pacittiya (巴吉帝亞)

Pacittiya 共 92 條:

ps. 比庫為南傳佛教出家男眾受了227條戒律後的稱呼.

南傳佛教227條比庫戒律-Nissaggiya Pacittiya(尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞)

Nissaggiya Pacittiya 共 30 條:

  1. 除了在咖提那優惠的期間內,額外的袈裟或布至多只可保存十天,超此日數,該比庫即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(第一咖提那衣戒)。
  2. 除了咖提那優惠的期間,於破曉前,沒有得到僧團的批准,每一位比庫必須三衣隨身,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(小屋戒)。
  3. 除了咖提那優惠的期間,如果縫製袈裟的布料不足,那些布料至多只可保存三十天,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(第三咖提那衣戒)。
  4. 比庫不可吩咐一位毫無親屬關係的比庫尼代為洗刷及染袈裟,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(故衣戒)。
  5. 除了交換,比庫不應該接受與自己毫無親屬關係的比庫尼的袈裟或布匹,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(取衣戒)。
  6. 除了袈裟被人偷竊或遺失,比庫不可向沒有親屬關係或沒有在家眾事先的咨請之下,要求並獲得袈裟或布料,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(從非親里乞戒)。
  7. 倘若整套袈裟(三衣)皆被盜竊或遺失,比庫可向沒有親屬關係或沒有在家眾事先的咨請之下,要求至多一件下衣及一件上衣。若作額外的要求並獲得,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(過量戒)。
  8. 當一位與自己沒有親屬關係的在家眾有意供養袈裟時,比庫不可在沒有事先的咨請之下做特定的要求並獲得其袈裟,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(第一預備戒)。
  9. 倘若有幾位在家眾同時想各自供養袈裟,比庫不可指示他們匯聚起來,以便供養一件較好的袈裟。若比庫指示後而獲得其袈裟,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(第二預備戒)。
  10. 比庫不可直接接受購買袈裟的現款,而應當通過寺院的執事人。在需要縫製袈裟的時候,比庫可直接提醒執事人三次及做沉默之暗示六次。若超越此次數而獲得,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒。如果沒有得到袈裟,就應當通知供養者(王戒)。
  1. 比庫不可為自己製作混有蠶絲的敷具),然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(絹戒)。
  2. 比庫不可使用純黑羊毛所製作成的敷具,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(純黑色羊毛戒)。
  3. 比庫不可使用超過大約五十巴仙以上的純黑羊毛所製作成的敷具,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(二分戒)。
  4. 除了得到僧團的允許,比庫不可在六年之內製作新的敷具,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(六年戒)。
  5. 當比庫縫製新的敷具時,應當把舊敷具的布塊也一同加入縫製以便使它不至於太耀眼,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(坐卧具戒)。
  6. 倘若比庫於旅途中得到羊毛,他至多能手持達三個由旬Yojana , 一由旬=16 公里),然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(羊毛戒)。
  7. 比庫不可吩咐一位毫無親屬關係的比庫尼代為洗刷、染及梳理羊毛,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(洗羊毛戒)。
  8. 比庫若為了本身之利益而親自接受、吩咐他人接受或答應收藏金、銀或錢財,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(金銀戒)。
  9. 從事買賣即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(金銀買賣戒)。
  10. 比庫與在家眾以物易物即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(物品交易戒)。
  1. 擁有額外的缽超過十天即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(缽戒)。
  2. 當比庫的缽還可以被使用時,向沒有親屬關係或沒有在家眾事先的咨請之下,請求替換另一個缽並獲得,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(減五綴戒)。
  3. 比庫在得到五種七日藥品中的任何一種:即酥油、生酥油、油、蜜糖及糖,他最多只能儲存七天,如果超過期限,然則犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(葯戒)。
  4. 在雨季到來的一個月前要求並得到雨衣(浴巾)即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒。提早在雨季到來的兩個星期前使用該雨衣,亦是犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(雨季衣戒)。
  5. 由於不悅而索回已舍於其他比庫之袈裟,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(奪衣戒)。
  6. 向沒有親屬關係或沒有在家眾事先的咨請之下,請求紗線並織成袈裟,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(乞線戒)。
  7. 倘若某在家眾欲為比庫縫製袈裟,比庫不可在沒有事先的咨請之下,會見織工及指示他如何縫製。若是如此並獲得該袈裟,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(大織師戒)。
  8. 倘若是緊急及逼促的情況,比庫可在第一個雨季的最後十天接受袈裟或布匹之供養併當作「袈裟季節」的供品(參閱袈裟十項)。這供品可當作額外的布匹收藏(參閱袈裟十項)至咖提那優惠期間的最後期限(參閱袈裟十項);保存逾期,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(特施衣戒)。
  9. 若比庫在有盜賊出沒危機的叢林結束雨安居,可在雨季的最後一個月份,以安全為理由,把其中一件袈裟存放於附近的村莊連續六晚;存放逾期,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(有難戒)。
  10. 轉移欲供養僧團的物品為己有,即違犯尼薩耆亞巴吉帝亞戒(回入戒)。
ps. 比庫為南傳佛教出家男眾受了227條戒律後的稱呼.

南傳佛教227條比庫戒律 - Aniyata (不定)

Aniyata 共 2 條:
  1. 若可信任的在家眾稟報某比庫與某女眾於一隱匿處,違犯巴拉基咖戒、桑喀地謝沙戒或巴吉帝亞戒:有關該告狀須加以調查,若該比庫承認上述之控狀,即依據其所犯之罪來處置(可淫屏處戒)。
  2. 若可信任的在家眾稟報某比庫與某女眾於一偏僻處,違犯桑喀地謝沙戒或巴吉帝亞戒:有關該告狀須加以調查,若該比庫承認某控狀,即依據其所犯之罪來處置(非可淫屏處戒)。
ps. 比庫為南傳佛教出家男眾受了227條戒律後的稱呼.

南傳佛教227條比庫戒律 - Sanghadisesa (桑喀地謝沙)

Sanghadisesa 共13條: 前 9條最初即犯, 後 4條待第三次勸諫才算犯. 凡是比庫犯了其中任何一條後, 明知而覆藏多少天, 即便該比庫不願意, 也得要應別住多少天來算. 已別住的比庫應履行六夜的mànatta(馬那答). 已行mànatta的比庫應找尋有20位(少一位也不行)的比庫僧團處出罪後, 才能恢復清淨.
  1. 有意發射精液犯桑喀地謝沙戒(出精戒)。 
  2. 在情慾的意念之下,與女眾有肉體的接觸犯桑喀地謝沙戒(身觸戒)。 
  3. 在情慾的意念之下,對女眾口出淫穢之言犯桑喀地謝沙戒(粗語戒)。 
  4. 在情慾的意念之下,邀請女眾和他發生性關係犯桑喀地謝沙戒(自讚歎淫慾戒)。 
  5. 為男女關係做媒,無論是暫時性或永久性即違犯桑喀地謝沙戒(媒嫁戒)。 
  6. 通過自己向他人要求材料以建蓋一所自己的住宿,就必須符合以下之條件(造房舍戒): (i) 它必須是沒有被佔據的地點,而且有足夠廣闊的面積(ii) 該地點必須獲得僧甘馬的批准 (iii) 住宿戶內的長度不可超過7x12.
  7. 當在家眾為比庫建立住宿時,須符合以下之條件(造精舍戒): (i) 它必須是沒有被佔據的地點,而且有足夠廣闊的面積。 (ii) 該地點必須獲得僧甘馬的批准, 沒有得到僧團之批准而建築住宿犯桑喀地謝沙戒。 
  8. 由於憎心而毫無憑據地指控一位比庫違犯了巴拉基咖戒,本身犯桑喀地謝沙戒(第一瞋不懣戒)。 
  9. 由於憎心而毫無憑據的以"語言上的扭曲"來指控一位比庫違犯巴拉基咖戒,本身犯桑喀地謝沙戒(第二瞋不懣戒)。 
  10. 即使已經過僧團的正式告誡,卻仍然竭力地使僧團分裂,即違犯桑喀地謝沙戒(第一破僧戒)。 
  11. 即使已經過僧團的正式告誡,卻仍然堅持放棄支持某人使僧團分裂,即違犯桑喀地謝沙戒(第二破僧戒)。 
  12. 即使已經過僧團的正式告誡,卻仍然拒絕接受有關戒律訓練的告誡,即違犯桑喀地謝沙戒(惡口戒)。 
  13. 即使已經過僧團的正式告誡,卻仍然拒絕接受由於「污損良家」及惡行為而被驅逐之懲罰,即違犯桑喀地謝沙戒(污家戒)。
ps. 比庫為南傳佛教出家男眾受了227條戒律後的稱呼.

南傳佛教227條比庫戒律 - Parajika (巴拉基咖)

Parajika 共 4 條: 若比庫犯了其中任何之一, 則不得與比庫們一起共住........
  1. 行淫欲: 若比庫得到諸比庫之學與生活規則, 未捨棄學, 沒有表明贏弱而從事淫欲法者, 乃至與畜生, 也巴拉基咖, 不共住.
  2. 拿取未給予之物: 若比庫在村落或林野, 以盜心不與而取, 就猶如不與取時, 諸王捉了盜賊後, 可能打殺; 綑缚或驅逐: "你是小偷, 你是愚者, 你是癡者, 你是盜賊." 同樣地, 比庫不與而取, 這也巴拉基咖, 不共住.
  3. 殺人或勸殺: 若比庫故意奪取人命, 或為其尋找並持來殺具, 或讚嘆死的美好, 或勸勉死: "喂! 男子! 為甚麼如此惡苦地活著? 死比活著更好." 如此之心意; 心思惟, 以各種方法讚嘆死的美好, 或勸勉死, 這也巴拉基咖, 不共住.
  4. 妄語: 若比庫聲稱關於自己未證知的上人法; 能為聖者的智見: "我知如此, 我見如此." 從哪之後時, 被檢問或沒有被檢問, 若希望所犯的清淨而如此說: "賢友, 不知如此而說: [我知], 不見而說: [我見], 我說了空無; 虛偽; 妄語." 除了增上慢外, 這也巴拉基咖, 不共住.
ps. 比庫為南傳佛教出家男眾受了227條戒律後的稱呼.

1. Bhikkhupatimokkha 瑪欣德尊者譯, 下載網址如下:
2. http://www.dhammarain.org.tw/canon/Vinayapitaka-Abstract-Ven-Santagavesaka.pdf
3. http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/vin/sv/bhikkhu-pati.html#pr
4. http://www.dhammarain.org.tw/canon/pc-Bhikkhupatimokkha.pdf

如何在網頁上顯示緬甸文 (Display Burmese on your computer)

要在網頁上或 Facebook 上顯示緬甸文的方法如下:
  1. 首先您的電腦內要有"Zawgyi-one" 緬甸文字型。字型的下載網址是:   www.gotquestions.org/Myanmar/ZawgyiOne20071204.ttf 
  2. 下載成功後, 請安裝字型或直接 copy 到 "C:\windows\fonts\" 下。
  3. 再重新開啟網頁瀏覽程式 (如 IE/Chrome/FireFox等), 就可看到緬甸文了.

A Smiling Samanera

from http://www.dhammaweb.net/ (A Myanmar web)

斯里蘭卡 Ramanna Nikaya (譯: 拉曼尼亞派或拉曼拉派)

  1. Ramanna Nikaya
  2. Sri Lanka Ramanna Maha Nikaya
  3. Ramanna Nikaya the most Venerable Weweldeniye Medhalankara Thero passed away
  4. Ven. Napana Pemasiri Thera has been appointing as the Mahanayake of the Ramanya Maha Nikaya
  5. Ven. Weweldeniye Medhalankara Thero

斯里蘭卡 Sri Kalyani Yogashrama Sanstha (斯里卡里阿尼森林派)

Sri Kalyani Yogashrama Sanstha is an independent part of the Sri Lankan Ramañña Nikāya Buddhist ordination line, with their headquarters in Galduva.
  1. Monasteries Of The Galduva Sansthava
  2. Sri Kalyani Yogasrama Samstha
  3. Rare Dhamma from Forest Monastery Tradition
  4. Sadaham.net
  5. Nauyane Ariyadhamma Mahathera Profile (聖法大長老簡介)


六種正見 Sammādiṭṭhi

  1. 業所有性正見(又名自業正見,kammassakata-sammādiṭṭhi):知道業果法則,據此分別善惡,知道佈施、供養是善業有善報;有今生、有來世;有聖人、有凡夫等。依此善業可投生欲界人天,不墮惡道。屬於欲界八大善心中的智相應善心。
  2. 禪那正見(色、無色界禪,jhāna-sammādiṭṭhi):當一名禪修者專注所緣而進入禪那當中的無癡心所(一種慧心所)。屬於九種廣大心中的慧根心所。
  3. 毗婆舍那觀正見(法住智,vipassanā-sammādiṭṭhi):此觀正見有兩類:(1)取諸行法的自性相:能夠了知名色究竟法。(2)取諸行法的共相:即無常,苦,無我。禪修者從「名色識別智」及「緣攝受智」(思慧)成就法住智後,進而培育種種的觀智(修慧),從生滅智至行捨智等共十二種觀智。屬於欲界八大善心中的智相應心的慧根心所。
  4. 道正見(涅槃智,magga-sammādiṭṭhi):以涅槃爲所緣之正見,觀智了知苦、集、道諦(有爲所緣),道智體證了滅諦(無爲所緣)。熄滅了煩惱之火。
  5. 果正見(涅槃智,phala-sammādiṭṭhi):在道智之後,生起同樣以涅槃爲所緣的果心,或果等至,在摧破煩惱之後,嘗到果味。
  6. 省察正見(paccavekkhaṇā-sammādiṭṭhi):緊隨著果心跟涅槃的經驗而來。它省察(1)道心的生起,(2)果心的生起,(3)作為心的所緣的涅槃,(4)已根除的煩惱,(5)殘餘的煩惱。


1. http://santavana.org/ch/node/96
2. http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/prajna-vihara/article?mid=1154&next=1104&l=f&fid=32
3. http://www.gaya.org.tw/magazine/v1/2005/76/76s2.htm

阿毗達摩論中的五種規律( Pañcavidha Niyama )

Niyama: 規律; 法則; 定律.
  1. Utuniyama(時節規律): 自然界的物理規律. 如季節冷熱更替;花開花落;冰點沸點的表現.
  2. Bijaniyama(種子規律): 種瓜得瓜;種豆得豆.基因規律等.
  3. Kammaniyama(業的規律): 善行有善果; 惡行有惡果.
  4. Cittaniyama(心的規律): 依據阿毗達摩中的記載. 遇到所緣又有依處而產生了心, 而有了心路過程.  如理作意產生善行, 不如理作意產生不善行等等.
  5. Dhammaniyama(法的規律): 屬於聖者的範圍.
  1. kammaniyāma “the constraint of kamma”, i.e. good actions produce good results and bad actions produce bad results. This constraint is said to be epitomised by [Dhammapada] verse 127 which explains that the consequences of actions are inescapable;
  2. utu-niyāma “the constraint of the seasons”, i.e. in certain regions of the earth at certain periods the flowering and fruiting of trees all at one time (ekappahāreneva), the blowing or ceasing of wind, the degree of the heat of the sun, the amount of rain-fall, some flowers like the lotuses opening during the day and closing at night and so on;
  3. bīja-niyāma “the constraint of seeds or germs”, i.e. a seed producing its own kind as barley seed produces barley;
  4. citta-niyāma “the constraint of mind”, i.e. the order of the process of mind-activities as the preceding thought-moment causing and conditioning the succeeding one in a cause and effect relation;
  5. dhamma-niyāma “the constraint of dhammas”, i.e. such events like the quaking of the ten thousand world-systems at the Bodhisatta’s conception in his mother’s womb and at his birth. At the end of the discussion Sumaṅgalavilāsinīpassage the Commentary says that dhammaniyāma explains the term dhammatā in the text of the Mahāpadāna Sutta(D ii.12) (Cf. S 12.20 for a discussion of the use of the word dhammaniyamatā in the suttas)


南傳佛教上座部的 五戒 八戒 十戒

  • 皈依佛法僧三寶的南傳佛教在家居士, 應受持以下前五條學處, 是為五戒.
  • 若在家居士自願受持或想親近禪林道場與出家人共住的淨人義工者, 應受持八戒(即以下前九條學處, 八戒是把以下第七條跟第八條合併為一條,而第九條便成第八條,是為八戒.) 
  • 沙馬內拉(Samanara: 未受227條比庫戒的出家人)或在家居士自願捨棄金錢而想親近禪林道場跟出家人共住者, 應受持全部十條學處, 是為十戒.
  1. Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持離殺生學處.
  2. Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持不與取學處.
  3. Abrahmacariya veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持離非梵行學處.
  4. Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持離妄語學處.
  5. Sura-meraya-majja-pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持離放逸之因的諸酒類學處.
  6. Vikalabhojana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持離非食時學處.
  7. Nacca-gita-vadita-sisuka-dassana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持離觀聽跳舞唱歌音樂表演學處.
  8. Mata-gandha-vilepana-dharana-mandana-vibhusanatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持離妝飾裝扮之因的穿戴花鬘芳香塗香學處.
  9. Uccasayana-mahasayana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持離高大床座學處.
  10. Jatarupa-rajata-patiggahana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. 我受持離接受金銀學處.



Mahācattārīsaka suttaṃ 大四十經

Mahācattārīsaka suttaṃ  

Evaṃ me sutaṃ: ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṃ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi bhikkhavoti. Bhadanteti te bhikkhu bhagavato paccassosuṃ, bhagavā etadavoca: 
Ariyaṃ vo bhikkhave, sammāsamādhiṃ desissāmi saupanisaṃ saparikkhāraṃ. Taṃ suṇātha, sādhukaṃ manasi karotha, bhāsissāmīti. 
Evaṃ bhanteti kho te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṃ. Bhagavā etadavoca: 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, ariyo sammāsamādhi saupaniso saparikkhāro, seyyathīdaṃ: sammādiṭṭhi sammāsaṅkappo sammāvācā sammākammanto sammāājīvo sammāvāyāmo sammāsati. Yā kho bhikkhave, imehi sattaha'ṅgehi1 cittassa ekaggatā parikkhatā ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave, ariyo sammāsamādhi saupaniso itipi, saparikkhāro itipi. 
Tatra bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti. Kathañca bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti: micchādiṭṭhiṃ micchādiṭṭhīti pajānāti. Sammādiṭṭhiṃ sammādiṭṭhīti pajānāti. Sāssa hoti sammādiṭṭhi. 
Katamā ca bhikkhave, micchādiṭṭhi: natthi dinnaṃ, natthi yiṭṭhaṃ, natthi hutaṃ, natthi sukaṭadukkaṭānaṃ kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko, natthi ayaṃ loko, natthi paro loko, natthi mātā, natthi pitā, natthi sattā opapātikā, [PTS Page 072] [\q 72/] natthi loke samaṇabrāhmaṇā sammaggatā sammāpaṭipannā, ye imaṃ ca lokaṃ paraṃ ca lokaṃ sayaṃ abhiññā sacchikatvā pavedentīti. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, micchādiṭṭhi. 
Katamā ca bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi: sammādiṭṭhimpahaṃ2 bhikkhave, dvayaṃ3 vadāmi: atthi bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi sāsavā puññābhāgiyā upadhivepakkā atthi bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi ariyā anāsavā lokuttarā maggaṅgā. 
Katamā ca bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi sāsavā puññabhāgiyā upadhivepakkā: atthi dinnaṃ, atthi yiṭṭhaṃ, atthi hutaṃ, atthi sukaṭadukkaṭānaṃ kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko, atthi ayaṃ loko, atthi paro loko, atthi mātā, atthi pitā, atthi sattā opapātikā, atthi loke samaṇabrāhmaṇā sammaggatā sammāpaṭipannā, ye imaṃ ca lokaṃ paraṃ ca lokaṃ sayaṃ abhiññā sacchikatvā pavedentīti. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi sāsavā puññabhāgiyā upadhivepakkā. 
[BJT Page 214] [\x 214/] 
Katamā ca bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi ariyā anāsavā lokuttarā maggaṅgā: yā kho bhikkhave, ariyacittassa anāsavacittassa ariyamaggasamaṅgino ariyamaggaṃ bhāvayato paññā paññindriyaṃ paññābalaṃ dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo sammādiṭṭhi maggaṅgaṃ1 ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi ariyā anāsavā lokuttarā maggaṅgā. So2 micchādiṭṭhiyā pahānāya vāyamati sammādiṭṭhiyā upasampadāya. Svāssa3 hoti sammāvāyāmo. So sato micchādiṭṭhiṃ pajahati. Sato sammādiṭṭhiṃ upasampajja viharati. Sāssa hoti sammāsati. Itissime4 tayo dhammā sammādiṭṭhiṃ anuparidhāvanti anuparivattanti. Seyyathīdaṃ: sammādiṭṭhi sammāvāyāmo sammāsati. 
Tatra bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti. Kathañca bhikkhave sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti: micchāsaṅkappaṃ micchāsaṅkappoti pajānāti sammāsaṅkappaṃ sammāsaṅkappoti pajānāti. Sāssa [PTS Page 073] [\q 73/] hoti sammādiṭṭhi. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, micchāsaṅkappo, vyāpādasaṅkappo, vihiṃsāsaṅkappo. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, micchāsaṅkappo. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, sammāsaṅkappo: sammāsaṅkappampa'haṃ5 bhikkhave, dvayaṃ6 vadāmi. Atthi bhikkhave, sammāsaṅkappo sāsavo puññabhāgiyo upadhivepakko, atthi bhikkhave, sammāsaṅkappo ariyo anāsavo lokuttaro maggaṅgo. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, sammāsaṅkappo sāsavo puññabhāgiyo upadhivepakko: nekkhammasaṅkappo avyāpādasaṅkappo avihiṃsā saṅkappo ayaṃ bhikkhave, sammāsaṅkappo sāsavo puññabhāgiyo upadhivepakko. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, sammāsaṅkappo ariyo anāsavo lokuttaro maggaṅgo: yo kho bhikkhave, ariyacittassa anāsavacittassa ariyamaggasamaṅgino ariyamaggaṃ bhāvayato takko vitakko saṅkappo appaṇā vyappaṇā cetaso abhiniropanā vacīsaṅkhāro. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, sammāsaṅkappo ariyo anāsavo lokuttaro maggaṅgo. So micchāsaṅkappassa pahānāya vāyamati sammāsaṅkappassa upasampadāya. Svāssa3 hoti sammāvāyāmo. So sato micchāsaṅkappaṃ pajahati. Sato sammāsaṅkappaṃ upasampajja viharati. Sā'ssa hoti sammāsati. Itissi'me4 tayo dhammā sammāsaṅkappaṃ anuparidhāvanti. Anuparivattanti. Seyyathīdaṃ: sammādiṭṭhi sammāvāyāmo sammāsati. 
Tatra bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti kathañca bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti: micchāvācaṃ micchāvācāti pajānāti. Sammāvācaṃ sammāvācāti pajānāti. Sā'ssa hoti sammādiṭṭhi. 
1.Maggaṅgā-sīmu,[PTS. 5.]Sammāsaṅkappampāhaṃ-sīmu.
2.Yo-[PTS. 6.]Dvāyaṃ-majasaṃ
3.Sāssa-sīmu. 7.Sāssa-sīmu,[PTS.]
[BJT Page 216] [\x 216/] 
Katamā ca bhikkhave, micchāvācā: musāvādo pisunāvācā pharusāvācā samphappalāpo. Ayaṃ bhikkhave micchāvācā. 
Katamā ca bhikkhave sammāvācā: sammāvācampa'haṃ bhikkhave, dvayaṃ vadāmi. Atthi bhikkhave, sammāvācā sāsavā puññabhāgiyā upadhivepakkā, atthi [PTS Page 074] [\q 74/] bhikkhave, sammāvācā ariyā anāsavā lokuttarā maggaṅgā. 
Katamā ca bhikkhave, sammāvācā sāsavā puññabhāgiyā upadhivepakkā: musāvādā veramaṇī, pisunāya vācāya veramaṇī. Pharusāya vācāya veramaṇī, samphappalāpā veramaṇī. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, sammāvācā sāsavā puññabhāgiyā upadhivepakkā. 
Katamā ca bhikkhave, sammāvācā ariyā anāsavā lokuttarā maggaṅgā: yā kho bhikkhave, ariyacittassa anāsavacittassa ariyamaggasamaṅgīno ariyamaggaṃ bhāvayato catuhipi vacīduccaritehi ārati virati paṭivirati veramaṇī. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, sammāvācā ariyā anāsavā lokuttarā maggaṅgā. So micchāvācāya pahānāya vāyamatī, sammā vācāya upasampadāya. Svāssa1 hoti sammāvāyāmo. So sato micchāvācaṃ pajahati. Sato sammāvācaṃ upasammajja viharati. Sāssa hoti sammāsati. Itissime2 tayo dhammā sammāvācaṃ anuparidhāvanti anuparivattanti. Seyyathīdaṃ: sammādiṭṭhi, sammāvāyāmo, sammāsati. 
Tatra bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti. Kathañca bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti: micchākammantaṃ micchākammantoti pajānāti sammākammantaṃ sammākammantoti pajānāti. Sāssa hoti sammādiṭṭhi. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, micchākammanto: pāṇātipāto, adinnādānaṃ, kāmesu micchācāro. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, micchākammanto. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, sammākammanto: sammākammantampahaṃ bhikkhave, dvayaṃ vadāmi. Atthi bhikkhave, sammākammanto sāsavo puññabhāgiyo upadhivepakko. Atthi bhikkhave sammākammanto ariyo anāsavo lokuttaro maggaṅgo. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, sammākammanto sāsavo puññabhāgiyo upadhivepakko: pāṇātipātā veramaṇī, adinnādānā veramaṇī, kāmesu micchācārā veramaṇī. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, sammākammanto sāsavo puññabhāgiyo upadhivepakko. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, sammākammanto ariyo anāsavo lokuttaro maggaṅgo: yā kho bhikkhave, ariyacittassa anāsavacittassa ariyamaggasamaṅgīno ariyamaggaṃ bhāvayato tīhipi kāyaduccaritehi ārati virati paṭivirati veramaṇī. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, sammākammanto [PTS Page 075] [\q 75/] ariyo anāsavo lokuttaro maggaṅgo. So micchākammantassa pahānāya vāyamati, sammākammantassa upasampadāya. Svā'ssa hoti sammāvāyāmo. So sato micchākammantaṃ pajahati. Sato sammākammantaṃ upasampajja viharati. Sā'ssa hoti sammāsati. Iti'ssi me1 tayo dhammā sammākammantaṃ anuparidhāvanti anuparivattanti. Seyyathīdaṃ: sammādiṭṭhi, sammāvāyāmo sammāsati. 
[BJT Page 218] [\x 218/] 
Tatra bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti. Kathañca bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti: micchāājīvaṃ micchāājīvoti pajānāti. Sammāājīvaṃ sammāājīvoti pajānāti. Sāssa hoti sammādiṭṭhi. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, micchāājīvo: kuhanā lapanā nemittikatā nippesikatā lābhena lābhaṃ nijigiṃsanātā1 ayaṃ bhikkhave, micchāājīvo. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, sammāājīvo: sammāājīvampahaṃ bhikkhave, dvayaṃ vadāmi. Atthi bhikkhave, sammāājīvo sāsavo puññabhāgiyo upadhivepakko, atthi bhikkhave, sammāājīvo ariyo anāsavo lokuttaro maggaṅgo. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, sammāājīvo sāsavo puññabhāgiyo upadhivepakko: idha bhikkhave, ariyasāvako micchāājīvaṃ pahāya sammā ājīvena jīvakaṃ kappeti. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, sammā ājīvo sāsavo puññabhāgiyo upadhivepakko. 
Katamo ca bhikkhave, sammā ājīvo ariyo anāsavo lokuttaro maggaṅgo: yā kho bhikkhave, ariyacittassa anāsavacittassa ariyamaggasamaṅgino ariyamaggaṃ bhāvayato micchāājīvā ārati virati paṭivirati veramaṇī. Ayaṃ bhikkhave, sammāājīvo ariyo anāsavo lokuttaro maggaṅgo. So micchāajīvassa pahānāya vāyamati. Sammā ājīvassa upasampadāya. Svāssa2 hoti sammāvāyāmo. So sato micchāājīvaṃ pajahati. Sato sammāājīvaṃ upasampajja viharati . Sā'ssa hoti sammāsati. Tassime tayo dhammā sammāājīvaṃ anuparidhāvanti anuparivattanti. Seyyathīdaṃ: sammādiṭṭhi, sammāvāyāmo, sammāsati. 
Tatra bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti. Kathañca bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti: [PTS Page 076] [\q 76/] sammādiṭṭhissa bhikkhave, sammāsaṅkappo pahoti sammāsaṅkappassa sammāvācā pahoti. Sammāvācassa sammākammanto pahoti. Sammākammantassa sammāājīvo pahoti. Sammāājīvassa sammāvāyāmo pahoti. Sammāvāyamassa sammāsati pahoti. Sammāsatissa sammāsamādhi pahoti. Sammāsamādhissa sammāñāṇaṃ pahoti. Sammāñāṇassa sammāvimutti pahoti. Iti kho bhikkhave, aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgato sekho3 dasaṅgasamannāgato arahā hoti. 
Tatra bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti. Kathañca bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi pubbaṅgamā hoti. Sammādiṭṭhissa bhikkhave,micchādiṭṭhi nijjiṇṇā hoti. Ye ca micchādiṭṭhipaccayā aneka pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti. Te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammādiṭṭhipaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pārīpūriṃ gacchanti. 
Sammāsaṅkappassa bhikkhave, micchāsaṅkappo nijjiṇṇo hoti, ye ca micchāsaṅkappapaccayā aneke pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti. Te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammāsaṅkappapaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pāripūriṃ gacchanti. 
1.Nijigisanatā-majasaṃ. 2.Sossa-sīmu,[PTS.]
Sekho paṭipado-[PTS.] 
[BJT Page 220] [\x 220/] 
Sammāvācassa bhikkhave, micchāvācā nijjiṇṇā hoti. Ye ca micchāvācāpaccayā aneke [PTS Page 077] [\q 77/] pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammāvācāpaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pāripūriṃ gacchanti. 
Sammākammantassa bhikkhave, micchākammanto nijjiṇṇo hoti. Ye ca micchākammantapaccayā aneke pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti. Te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammākammantapaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pāripūriṃ gacchanti. 
Sammāājīvassa bhikkhave, micchāājīvo nijjiṇṇo hoti. Ye ca micchāājīvapaccayā aneke pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti, te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammāājīvapaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pāripūriṃ gacchanti. 
Sammāvāyāmassa bhikkhave, micchāvāyāmo nijjiṇṇo hoti. Ye ca micchāvāyāmapaccayā aneke pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti. Te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammāvāyāmapaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pārīpūriṃ gacchanti. 
Sammāsatissa bhikkhave, micchāsati nijjiṇṇā hoti. Ye ca micchāsatipaccayā aneke pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti; te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammāsatipaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pāripūriṃ gacchanti. 
Sammāsamādhissa bhikkhave, micchāsamādhi nijjiṇṇo hoti. Ye ca micchāsamādhipaccayā aneke pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti, te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammāsamādhipaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pāripūriṃ gacchanti. 
Sammāñāṇassa bhikkhave, micchāñāṇaṃ nijjiṇṇaṃ hoti. Ye ca micchāñāṇapaccayā aneke pāpakā akusalā dhammā samabhavanti te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammāñāṇapaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pāripūriṃ gacchanti. 
Sammāvimuttassa bhikkhave, micchāvimutti nijjiṇṇā hoti. Ye ca micchāvimuttipaccayā aneke pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti. Te cassa nijjiṇṇā honti. Sammāvimuttipaccayā ca aneke kusalā dhammā bhāvanā pāripūriṃ gacchanti. 
Iti kho bhikkhave, vīsati kusalapakkhā vīsati akusalapakkhā, mahācattārisako dhammapariyāyo pavattito appativattiyo samaṇena vā brāhmaṇena vā devena vā mārena vā brahmunā vā kenaci vā lokasminti. 
[BJT Page 222] [\x 222/] 
Yo hi koci bhikkhave, samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā imaṃ mahācattārīsakaṃ dhammapariyāyaṃ garahitabbaṃ paṭikkositabbaṃ maññeyya, tassa diṭṭheva dhamme dasa sahadhammikā vādānuvādā gārayhaṃ ṭhānaṃ āgacchanti. Samamādiṭṭhiṃ ce bhavaṃ garahati. Ye ca micchādiṭṭhi samaṇabrāhmaṇā, te bhoto pujjā. Te bhoto pāsaṃsā. Sammāsaṅkappaṃ ce bhavaṃ [PTS Page 078] [\q 78/] garahati. Ye ca micchāsaṅkappā samaṇabrāhmaṇā, te bhoto pujjā, te bhoto pāsaṃsā. Sammāvācaṃ ce bhavaṃ garahati, ye ca micchāvācā samaṇabrāhmaṇā, te bhoto pujjā te bhoto pāsaṃsā. Sammākammantaṃ ce bhavaṃ garahati. Ye ca micchākammantā samaṇabrāhmaṇā, te bhoto pujjā te bhoto pāsaṃsā. Sammāajīvaṃ ce bhavaṃ garahati. Ye ca micchāājīvā samaṇabrāhmaṇā. Te bhoto pujjā te bhoto pāsaṃsā. Sammāvāyāmaṃ ce bhavaṃ garahati. Ye ca micchāvāyāmā samaṇabrāhmaṇā, te bhoto pujjā te bhoto pāsaṃsā. Sammāsatiṃ ce bhavaṃ garahati. Ye ca micchāsatī samaṇabrāhmaṇā, te bhoto pujjā te bhoto pāsaṃsā. Sammāsamādhiñce bhavaṃ garahati. Ye ca micchāsamādhī samaṇabrāhmaṇā, te bhoto pujjā te bhoto pāsaṃsā. Sammāñāṇaṃ ce bhavaṃ garahati. Ye ca micchāñāṇī samaṇabrāhmaṇā, te bhoto pujjā te bhoto pāsaṃsā. Sammāvimuttiṃ ce bhavaṃ garahati. Ye ca micchāvimuttī samaṇabrāhmaṇā, te bhoto pujjā te bhoto pāsaṃsā. 
Yo hi koci bhikkhave samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā imaṃ mahācattārīsakaṃ dhammapariyāyaṃ garahitabbaṃ paṭikkositabbaṃ maññeyya. Tassa diṭṭheva dhamme ime dasa sahadhammikā vādānuvādā gārayhaṃ ṭhānaṃ āgacchanti. 
Yepi te bhikkhave, ahesuṃ ukkalā vassabhaññā1 ahetuvādā akiriyavādā natthivādā, tepi mahācattārīsakaṃ dhammapariyāyaṃ na garahitabbaṃ, na paṭikkositabbaṃ2 maññiṃsu.3 Taṃ kissa hetu: nindābyārosaupārambhabhayāti. 
Idamoca bhagavā. Attamanā te bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṃ abhinandunti. 
Mahācattārīsaka suttaṃ sattamaṃ. 


I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying at Savatthi, in Jeta's Grove,Anathapindika's monastery. There he addressed the monks: "Monks!"
"Yes, lord," the monks replied.
The Blessed One said, "Monks, I will teach you noble right concentration with its supports and requisite conditions. Listen, and pay close attention. I will speak."
"Yes, lord," the monks replied.
The Blessed One said: "Now what, monks, is noble right concentration with its supports & requisite conditions? Any singleness of mind equipped with these seven factors — right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, & right mindfulness — is called noble right concentration with its supports & requisite conditions.
[1] "Of those, right view is the forerunner. And how is right view the forerunner? One discerns wrong view as wrong view, and right view as right view. This is one's right view. And what is wrong view? 'There is nothing given, nothing offered, nothing sacrificed. There is no fruit or result of good or bad actions. There is no this world, no next world, no mother, no father, no spontaneously reborn beings; no brahmans or contemplatives who, faring rightly & practicing rightly, proclaim this world & the next after having directly known & realized it for themselves.' This is wrong view.
"And what is right view? Right view, I tell you, is of two sorts: There is right view with effluents [asava], siding with merit, resulting in the acquisitions [of becoming]; and there is noble right view, without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"And what is the right view that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions? 'There is what is given, what is offered, what is sacrificed. There are fruits & results of good & bad actions. There is this world & the next world. There is mother & father. There are spontaneously reborn beings; there are brahmans & contemplatives who, faring rightly & practicing rightly, proclaim this world & the next after having directly known & realized it for themselves.' This is the right view that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions.
"And what is the right view that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path? The discernment, the faculty of discernment, the strength of discernment, analysis of qualities as a factor for Awakening, the path factor of right view of one developing the noble path whose mind is noble, whose mind is free from effluents, who is fully possessed of the noble path. This is the right view that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"One tries to abandon wrong view & to enter into right view: This is one's right effort. One is mindful to abandon wrong view & to enter & remain in right view: This is one's right mindfulness. Thus these three qualities — right view, right effort, & right mindfulness — run & circle around right view.
[2] "Of those, right view is the forerunner. And how is right view the forerunner? One discerns wrong resolve as wrong resolve, and right resolve as right resolve. This is one's right view. And what is wrong resolve? Being resolved on sensuality, on ill will, on harmfulness. This is wrong resolve.
"And what is right resolve? Right resolve, I tell you, is of two sorts: There is right resolve with effluents, siding with merit, resulting in the acquisitions [of becoming]; and there is noble right resolve, without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"And what is the right resolve that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions? Being resolved on renunciation, on freedom from ill will, on harmlessness. This is the right resolve that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions.
And what is the right resolve that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path? The thinking, directed thinking, resolve,  (mental) fixity, transfixion, focused awareness, & verbal fabrications of one developing the noble path whose mind is noble, whose mind is without effluents, who is fully possessed of the noble path. This is the right resolve that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"One tries to abandon wrong resolve & to enter into right resolve: This is one's right effort. One is mindful to abandon wrong resolve & to enter & remain in right resolve: This is one's right mindfulness. Thus these three qualities — right view, right effort, & right mindfulness — run & circle around right resolve.
[3] "Of those, right view is the forerunner. And how is right view the forerunner? One discerns wrong speech as wrong speech, and right speech as right speech. This is one's right view. And what is wrong speech? Lying, divisive tale-bearing, abusive speech, & idle chatter. This is wrong speech.
"And what is right speech? Right speech, I tell you, is of two sorts: There is right speech with effluents, siding with merit, resulting in the acquisitions [of becoming]; and there is noble right speech, without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"And what is the right speech that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions? Abstaining from lying, from divisive tale-bearing, from abusive speech, & from idle chatter. This is the right speech that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions.
"And what is the right speech that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path? The abstaining, desisting, abstinence, avoidance of the four forms of verbal misconduct of one developing the noble path whose mind is noble, whose mind is without effluents, who is fully possessed of the noble path. This is the right speech that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"One tries to abandon wrong speech & to enter into right speech: This is one's right effort. One is mindful to abandon wrong speech & to enter & remain in right speech: This is one's right mindfulness. Thus these three qualities — right view, right effort, & right mindfulness — run & circle around right speech.
[4] "Of those, right view is the forerunner. And how is right view the forerunner? One discerns wrong action as wrong action, and right action as right action. This is one's right view. And what is wrong action? Killing, taking what is not given, illicit sex. This is wrong action.
"And what is right action? Right action, I tell you, is of two sorts: There is right action with effluents, siding with merit, resulting in the acquisitions [of becoming]; and there is noble right action, without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"And what is the right action that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions? Abstaining from killing, from taking what is not given, & from illicit sex. This is the right action that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions.
"And what is the right action that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path? The abstaining, desisting, abstinence, avoidance of the three forms of bodily misconduct of one developing the noble path whose mind is noble, whose mind is without effluents, who is fully possessed of the noble path. This is the right action that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"One tries to abandon wrong action & to enter into right action: This is one's right effort. One is mindful to abandon wrong action & to enter & remain in right action: This is one's right mindfulness. Thus these three qualities — right view, right effort, & right mindfulness — run & circle around right action.
[5] "Of those, right view is the forerunner. And how is right view the forerunner? One discerns wrong livelihood as wrong livelihood, and right livelihood as right livelihood. This is one's right view. And what is wrong livelihood? Scheming, persuading, hinting, belittling, & pursuing gain with gain. This is wrong livelihood.
"And what is right livelihood? Right livelihood, I tell you, is of two sorts: There is right livelihood with effluents, siding with merit, resulting in the acquisitions [of becoming]; and there is noble right livelihood, without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"And what is the right livelihood that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions? There is the case where a disciple of the noble ones abandons wrong livelihood and maintains his life with right livelihood. This is the right livelihood that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions.
"And what is the right livelihood that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path? The abstaining, desisting, abstinence, avoidance of wrong livelihood of one developing the noble path whose mind is noble, whose mind is without effluents, who is fully possessed of the noble path. This is the right livelihood that is without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.
"One tries to abandon wrong livelihood & to enter into right livelihood: This is one's right effort. One is mindful to abandon wrong livelihood & to enter & remain in right livelihood: This is one's right mindfulness. Thus these three qualities — right view, right effort, & right mindfulness — run & circle around right livelihood.
"Of those, right view is the forerunner. And how is right view the forerunner? In one of right view, right resolve comes into being. In one of right resolve, right speech comes into being. In one of right speech, right action... In one of right action, right livelihood... In one of right livelihood, right effort... In one of right effort, right mindfulness... In one of right mindfulness, right concentration... In one of right concentration, right knowledge... In one of right knowledge, right release comes into being. Thus the learner is endowed with eight factors, and the arahant with ten.
"Of those, right view is the forerunner. And how is right view the forerunner? In one of right view, wrong view is abolished. The many evil, unskillful qualities that come into play with wrong view as their condition are also abolished, while the many skillful qualities that have right view as their condition go to the culmination of their development. In one of right resolve, wrong resolve is abolished... In one of right speech, wrong speech is abolished... In one of right action, wrong action is abolished... In one of right livelihood, wrong livelihood is abolished... In one of right effort, wrong effort is abolished... In one of right mindfulness, wrong mindfulness is abolished... In one of right concentration, wrong concentration is abolished... In one of right knowledge, wrong knowledge is abolished... In one of right release, wrong release is abolished. The many evil, unskillful qualities that come into play with wrong release as their condition are also abolished, while the many skillful qualities that have right release as their condition go to the culmination of their development.
"Thus, monks, there are twenty factors siding with skillfulness, and twenty with unskillfulness.
"This Dhamma discourse on the Great Forty has been set rolling and cannot be stopped by any contemplative or brahman or deva or Mara and Brahma or anyone at all in the world.
"If any brahman or contemplative might think that this Great Forty Dhamma discourse should be censured & rejected, there are ten legitimate implications of his statement that would form grounds for censuring him here & now. If he censures right view, then he would honor any brahmans and contemplatives who are of wrong view; he would praise them. If he censures right resolve... right speech... right action... right livelihood... right effort... right mindfulness... right concentration... right knowledge... If he censures right release, then he would honor any brahmans and contemplatives who are of wrong release; he would praise them. If any brahman or contemplative might think that this Great Forty Dhamma discourse should be censured & rejected, there are these ten legitimate implications of his statement that would form grounds for censuring him here & now.
"Even Vassa & Bhañña — those teachers from Okkala who were proponents of no-causality, no-action, & no-existence — would not think that this Dhamma discourse on the Great Forty should be censured & rejected. Why is that? For fear of criticism, opposition, & reproach."
That is what the Blessed One said. Gratified, the monks delighted in the Blessed One's words.

Quoted from :

  1. http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/mn/mn.117.than.html
  2. http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sltp/MN_III_utf8.html#pts.071